Sunday, December 20, 2009

Angolan Colobus Monkeys

by Olivia Martin-Spisak
The Angolan Colobus Monkeys lives in Kenya and East Africa. They are dying because of fur hunting and loss of habitat. These monkeys have very soft fur and have been hunted for there fur for a long time. You could classify them by there long white mantel and there white whiskers and beard. They are solitary animals.You can help these monkeys by donating to the Colobus Trust Foundation or sponsoring a monkey. If you have any questions please email at

Mountain Gorillas

by Olivia Martin-Spisak
One half of mountain gorillas live in in the forests of the Virunga mountains in the celteral part of Africa. They also live in Rwanda Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These apes are endangered because of habitat loss and poaching. Gorillas are aproxomitly 4-6 feet. There wild population is about only 200. Females give birth to one infant at a time. Infants weigh only 4 pounds. Gorillas are solitary but there familys live together and there usulally close but not living with other gorillas. You can help these amazing cratures by donating to organizations that are helping the Mountain Gorillas.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Giant Pandas

by Liam Hughes

As many know, Giant Pandas are endangered.
Here are some facts about them:

* Giant Pandas only eat bamboo. They eat bamboo for up to 14 hours a day!
* Giant Pandas live in Chinese mountain bamboo forests.
* There are as few as 1, 500 Giant Pandas left in the wild!
* About 100 are kept in zoos around the world, including the San Diego Zoo.
* Pandas only have one or two cubs at a time.
* At birth, a Giant Panda cub weighs only 3.5 ounces.

So please remember to be eco-friendly at all costs, to help these majestic animals!

If you have any questions please email Olivia at

Monday, September 28, 2009

California Grizzly

by Olivia Martin-Spisak
The California Grizzly Bear is now extinct in California because people would shoot and kill grizzlies to extension. These bears eat mammals, berry's, plants and roots, and their favorite, fish. Grizzlies are large and brown and are solitary animals. You can help these bears because they still live in other places like Alaska. You can help them by not hunting and donate to grizzly foundations.
If you have any questions please email me at

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Mexican Gray Wolf

by Olivia Martin-Spisak
The Mexican Gray Wolf lives in parts of North America. They are endangered because people hunt them for there fur and try and have them removed. They eat small mammals. There wild population in Montana is 75-150. These wolfs are 26-32 inches and weigh 50-90 pounds. They are different shades of brown and live in packs. There life cycle is simple: they go from cup to adult to mating season.
The Mexican Gray wolf is a gentle animal and doesn't harm humans. If you want to help these magnificent creachers you could donate to the US Fish and Wildlife Service Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery. If you have any questions please email me at:

Saturday, September 12, 2009


By Maya Martin Spisak
Rays live all around the world. Some live lakes and rivers,and some species are only found in small ranges .They eat small fish, worms, crustaceans, Shrimp, krill,mollusks, clams, oysters and snails. There are 500 different kinds of Rays. Someday I'm going to swim with a ray. Once I'm done swiming with a dolphin.
